3 Fundamental Philosophy Regarding Sales in Retail Business

In gaining and maintaining customers who shop in our store, it must be understood three basic philosophy regarding the sale, namely:

1. The main target of every employee is to create and maintain customers.
Many people, including salespeople and managers, who believe that the main task of a salesperson is to make the sale. In other words, the sale is something that is important. But creating a sales means creates the dollar sales for the short term, while creating a customer is to make a dollar in the long term. Providing service to customers satisfaction is the process of creating dollars in the long run. Satisfaction that they receive will make them come back again and again to shop in our store.

2. There is a big difference between selling and helping a person to buy.
This is not mere wordplay. The difference lies in our attitude. Sales are typically manipulative, he took the approach, "Let us see what is ours and persuade someone to buy it." Meanwhile, helping people to buy is through the approach, "Let's see what is needed by customers and the extent to which those needs can fulfilled by us. "

This approach is not very pressing buyer or sellers. Precisely the customer actually feel happy with that approach because they feel helped.

3. Humans love to buy, but hate when someone sells something to him.
It has become a matter of course when your home visited by a sales for a specific product offering. His arrival makes you frown because a few days ago the other sales come to offer other products as well, but only used it a few days the product was defective. And you blame the seller because presumed to sell a product that is not good. You think if only if the product is purchased in the mall or shopping center may not be damaged. This is human behavior, always blaming others for their suffering experiences.


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