Products and Services Classification According to Philip Kotler and Henry Assael

According to Philip Kotler and Henry Assael, products and services business can be divided into four major groups. Grouping is based on: products and services which are preferred to be offered, and what products and services that serve as a means of support.

a. Pure Product
Which are tangible goods that have a tangible manifestation of a physical, palpable, smell, and so on, such as soap, toothpaste, or sugar, which generally makes unsupported and does not require the services.

b. Product Related Services
Which are tangible goods that have a tangible manifestation of physically supported services to add to his appearance to consumers. For example: cars, computers and other electronic goods, and products which are usually accompanied by warranties of merchantability.

c. Equipment Intensive Service
The intensity of services offered is greater than the previously mentioned. However, to produce the services offered to consumers needed support from tangible goods. For example in lodging services (hotels), where in addition to offering lodging services also offers restaurants, fitness facilities, and others.

d. Pure Service
This is absolutely pure services which is in the production process does not use and do not require the existence of tangible goods, such as lawyers and management consultants.


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