4 Things That Cause Re-Branding Failure

Sometimes our business is off the ground, declining revenue, through business profit and brand equity to be low. This can occur by several factors, such as higher levels of competition, the benefits of the product outside the customer’s expectation, through internal management factors in the company. If that happens, then what to do? You need to consider Re-Branding in order to achieve successful results and take your business to the next level. But it is also risky.

You should be aware of all the risks of re-branding before you do. When doing the Re-Branding, you should not be stuck in the design and other issues are less important. Re-branding is not just changing the logo or adding an image. It is also about researching and understanding the customer, analyzing the changes in the target market while exploring opportunities for brand extension and repositioning.

Many businessmen make a mistake when doing Re-Branding, which actually resulted in business failure. Here are a few mistakes of Re-Branding resulting in total failure of the business objectives:

1. Re-branding without research
The assumption is wrong if says that brand is just a logo.
Your brand is more than just a logo. A brand integrating all aspects of your business, from the look, taste, culture, tone, sound, product quality, customer service ... which leads to the perception of the customers.
Each brand has its own character that represents the image of the product. When a product is changing its character, then that character must change to accommodate the needs and expectations of customers. And it all requires research.

2. Starting without a plan
If something starts without a plan, then any activity will stop in the middle. If not stopped, it will determine the direction of confusion, because there is no previous plan.
Make sure you have a plan from the beginning to the end, and all based on research and analysis.

3. Not utilizing existing brand equity
A company with high brand equity may not need to do a major transformation, or rather, do not have completely over make character already has. If you have strong brand equity but its sales have declined, it is usually due to a competitor who has a new strategy that we have not done. All you have to do is increase the brand character with a new strategy, not over make the brand.

4. Not over make the internal management.
When doing the Re-branding, it is proper that the internal management must undergo an over make. Re-branding socialization and increase the confidence of employees against brand is very important before re-launching the brand to the market. Getting employees to understand the reason and purpose of re-branding is very important because they have to sell to consumers. It is equally more important as a social media substitute. Internal branding is increasingly important because employees also act as brand ambassadors. In short, if the employees themselves just do not believe, then certainly there will be no customers.

Re-branding can be very challenging, because it is not just talking about the purpose of gaining profit, but about the success and sustainability of business. The bigger the company, the more time it takes to make sure everyone understands why there must be changes. If they understand, they will be able to explain to consumers.

The success of re-branding requires vision inspire consumers, investors and others to see the company in a new light. We can learn from other companies that have done a re-branding. Should learn from two great companies that have re-branding, where one indicates a failed re-branding, and another is a successful re-branding. We must learn what makes them fail and success. Finally, Re-Branding is important to maintain the survival of a business and maximizing the brand value.


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