What Causes Alexa Rank Dropped? And How It Affects Business

Well, the discourse about Alexa Rank continue to roll all time. The only reason I am concerned with this case is because Alexa rank is a benchmark of the advertiser to determine and convince yourself (deeply) whether they would advertise on a blog or not. Despite the fact it is clear that Alexa rank was not the only determinant because not showing the actual statistics. But it is not possible if we show all copy of blogs statistic, either from simple form, such as bloggers stats, to elaborate and complete, like Google Analytics. Such statistical data shows certainly dangerous.

I then surf to some foreign forum, there are many who have mentioned the same thing and have not found a bright spot. The only one who quite clearly is that recently (like Google), Alexa renew his algorithm. In addition, Alexa also launched a new program (Alexa Pro) for the webmasters to be able to better see the statistics and determine strategies to increase traffic. Almost the same as Alexa Site Audit, but many have an edge in the feature. Dashboard display is also changing.

Back to the case of Alexa algorithm. I am not entirely sure if algorithm changes is the only factor. I tried to see another blog which contains news or information about alexa. No reply contains information about this case other than a few tricks to increase alexa rank, alexa toolbar, and so forth.

At this point, I just realized that I missed a few things about how Alexa conventionally assess a blog / web. And among some of these, one point is all important. What is it? Before answer this question, we should know what criteria in Alexa rank. Basically, there are four criteria to determine Alexa rank, which is :

1. Number of traffic, pageviews, and visitors of course. In detail, there are some things rateable alexa, such as bounce rate, length of time visitors on a blog / web, the percentage of the global view, and so forth.
2. Alexa Toolbar usage by the user.
3. The number of backlinks according to Alexa (links in)
4. Fresh Content (the blog content is always being updated).

Well, from the four points above, I realized one thing. Fresh Content! One thing is missing but all-important. Alexa Algorithm also consider any updates on the blog/web. Apparently search engines, like Google, and ranking systems, such as Alexa and Compete, now really pay attention to user experience, where guests / visitors and visitor/customer satisfaction, including the note to this attention.

Although still guessing , almost certainly a fresh content factor is one of the causes of declining alexa rank. To study this, in conjunction with fresh content, there are several things that can be used as a reference or parameters. Fresh content updates related to anything that makes a blog has additional content. One who must of course is to create an article or post.

Another form of content is a comment. Comments can be referenced in addition to the content of a blog page. But not just limited to that, qualified comments is the most noted. One of the conditions is the reply comments related to post content. However, to increase the number of comments on our blogs, all restored again, new posts / articles should be added. The more posts, more comments. The more quality posts, the more quality comments as well.

For websites who are static pages, should make an update by adding the blog as part of the web. The trick? Create a subdomain reply directly associated with the domain of the website, for example blog.website.com. Certainly alexa rank blog will join rank websites and blog presence will strengthen the alexa rank websites.

Of course, the fresh content that affects the Alexa rank. It is just my insight and opinion. If you have another opinion and analysis, please discuss in the comments field. Feel free to express your opinion.

The conclusion? Post the blog with original and quality content regularly!


Andie said...

Wooow, its a perfect information cz i want to make a business for now


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