
Classical Economic Theory Part 5

Regarding poverty, David Ricardo (1772-1823) and Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) argued that the poverty population is due to "own fault" for not forming a small family. It is considered as the resistance of the laws of the poor (poor law) that currently apply in the UK. According to Ricardo (1772-1823) tersebit legislation will not fix poverty, whereas only reduce the prosperity of the poor and the rich both. This opinion is mainly arising from the theory of "wage fund" that has previously been presented by Cantillon, Turgot and Smith.

According to this theory will depend on the demand for labor than the accumulated wage fund, rather than "the which funds are destined for the payment of wages" which dihematkan, and any amount of money paid to that one, by itself reduced than others. That is why that assistance to the poor is detrimental to fund wages, so wages are also other work.

According to William Nassau Senior  magnitude of the average wage, rather than depending on the ratio between the amount provided by the employer for payment of wages, and the number of workers, there is also a similar opinion in Stuart Mill. However, the wage fund theory this is a meaningless repetition of words, no raised other than the fact that average wages equal to the wage fund, divided by the number of workers and wage funds otherwise it should be known from the times the average wage by the number of people hired. If Ricardo (1772-1823) said that in terms of agriculture, mining and industrial production, the goods exchanged in the comparative amount of work, which is used for its production in marginal circumstances, then the profit can now be viewed as a reward, though he did not pay much attention to this residue. Summary prognosis Ricardo (1772-1823) about the division of community income can be formulated "rent rises, profit falls, while wages remain."

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