
Production Factors In Retail World

Retail industry now includes distribution of goods and services to customers, including the food, furniture, electronic equipment, clothing and services. The stability and success of retail stores rely on the determination and utilization of production factors that are relevant.

Entrepreneur or company who is the first important production factors in the success of retail stores. He should be able to determine the stability of the business and to receive and organize other production factors.

No less important is the factor of capital, it could be money but can also be others: buildings, electronic equipment, or intellectual resources.
Entrepreneur or company should be able to determine the relevant capital needed for business.

Employees factors also played a part in advancing your retail business. Presumably can be divided into three broad categories ie skilled, semi skilled or unskilled labor.

Natural Resources
Land for business location, or food ingredients to restaurants, oil to run machinery, and so is an important resource for the production process. Entrepreneurs should be able to find this resource providers.

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