Introduction Into Management

Management is the process of planning, organization, delivery, and monitoring the efforts of organizations member and other resources to achieve organizational goals have that have been set. Management can also be defined as working with people to determine, interpret, and achieve organizational objectives through the implementation of the functions of the organization and leadership.

There are three main reasons why needs management, namely:
1. To achieve the goal
2. To maintain a balance between the objectives of the conflicting
3. To achieve efficiency and effectiveness

While management functions include:

1. Planning
Plan is needed to determine best procedures to achieve the objectives set.

2. Organizing
Is the determination of resources and activities required to achieve organizational or corporate strategic goals. This concerns the necessary delegation of authority to individuals to carry out their duties. This function creates a formal structure where the work is assigned, shared, and coordinated.

3. Actuating
Once a plan is created, an organization formed and so does the personnel, the next step is to confirm the employee to move toward a predetermined goal. The function of the actuating is to make the employees do what is desired by superiors, and they have to do it.

4. Controlling
Supervision is the discovery and application of methods and equipment to ensure that the plan has been implemented in accordance with a predetermined. Controlling functions include:
- Determination of standards implementation
- Determination of the measures implementation
- Measurement of real implementation
- Taking corrective action which is required.

These functions should be carried out effectively and efficiently, and includes matters relating to legal aspects, ethics in practice, economic factors, restrictions and policies as a result of equipment, as well as a sense of responsibility.

To achieve this, then good leadership is needed. Good leadership should acomodate all interests of the organization without compromising the limitations, capabilities, and personal expectations of the individual in the organization. To that end, leadership should consider the aspect of communication, information, decision-making, and suggestions.


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