
The HTML Formula To Makes Keyword That Can Be Link To Other Post

Perhaps you are confused how to make the keywords you make can link to another website or other articles? Here is the HTML formula for your keyword that can link to other articles or other websites.

<a href="http://url-address-here.com/anything/" title="whatever"> whatever </ a>

In the above formula the keyword is "whatever". This means that if the reader clicks on the 

word "whatever", it will automatically linked to the address "url-address-here.com/anything /" 
Example :
<a href="http://jugglingart.org" title="jugglingart.org"> jugglingart.org </ a>

So if the reader clicks on the keyword "jugglingart.org", then it will be directly connected to the
website www.jugglingart.org. Understand it all mean?
If you want someone who clicks on the keyword can link to another website in a new tab, 
this is the formula:
<a href="http://jugglingart.org" jugglingart.org target="_blank">jugglingart.org </ a>
So, you just change just its url address in the http:// and replace the keyword jugglingart.org after 
the "_blank">.

Good luck!

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