
Bad News Creeping Faster in Social Media

Many brands have chosen to do social media marketing activities. A survey says that 73% of consumers in Southeast Asia recognizes that advertising on social media is affecting them.

Because not satisfied with the service of a hospital, Astuti was rambling on twitter. As usual, the responses also appear from the follower. In essence, support or even add to the long line of dissatisfaction with the service from the hospital. Because, does not monitor social media, the hospital could not provide a response.

As a result, the hospital now known in the negative side only, had been forgotten if the hospital is the pioneer of cheap costs. In fact, this image has become an understanding and broad audience, including non-activist social networking.

For the marketer must be very aware that the above phenomenon is very influential on the brand image of the brand. If not immediately anticipated impact could spread to the loyalty and just waiting to erode sales. Because there are communication theory adage that nothing faster than bad news. In the world of online rumors faster than the fastest jets though.

The fact that there are still brand owners who have not realized the necessity of using social media as a marketing tool there is. Although, the numbers are growing day dwindle significantly. Conversely, there are many brand owners are no doubt using social networking for marketing activities.

An example is Unilever. These companies include those keen to build brand in social media. Almost all the brands that take shelter in one of the largest consumer goods company in the world are utilizing social networks for various purposes.

Social media does have considerable potential for a brand and company. Starting from the advertising, public relations support activities, build brand awareness, and of course a two-way communication with consumers. Associated with the function of public relations, when marketers monitor social media, then the chatter Prita mentioned above can be immediately responded.

Nielsen study results showed that nearly three-quarters (73%) SEA consumers "very" or "somewhat" influenced by advertising on social media sites, with this number increased to 80% if the ad has a social context that shows that friends or relatives they also like or follow the brand being advertised.

However, before tempted to use social media as a marketing medium, it is necessary to understand the basic philosophy of social media itself. With so could make what the next step or how to make this after using it.

Social media can be regarded as a container or a girl talk talk things lightweight material and conveyed straightly. So, if marketers want chipped and bring topics related to the brand or a response, it needs to be packed as light as possible and with a more personalized approach. Not impressed superior to others. Therefore, social media has two sides mengasilkan contradictory effects. Depending on how to manage it.

The power of social media marketing is of course very dependent on the sound quality of the community, because in no community leaders and subordinates, no bureaucracy, sit at the same low and high standing. Since everyone is subject, they have the freedom to be yourself. A brand or product should be able to interact in it, then much discussed in a positive way, thus forming community opinion, which will hopefully lead to the marketing objectives, namely awareness and sales.

Word of Mouth and endorser
The strategy of word of mouth must have been familiar to marketers. When associated with social media strategy will be very strong impact. It is simply applying that strategy in the virtual world through social networking. Its strength is the coverage of social media is not limited by place and time.

Social media is media that is consumed on average every day by people in the present. Awareness so that the process can occur when people see ads in social media or being told by his friends in social media networks, either directly or indirectly. Functionally, social media can be used for the channel of ATL and BTL. Even should serve as a powerful tool for the interests of public relations.

In contrast to the strategy word of mouth in the real world, the world's online coverage of its spread can be calculated. In addition, can also perform target selection that will be targeted. That way, the message will be right on target.
A non-artist or a politician could be a character that is so 'loved' online community. This phenomenon can be used by brand owners to introduce or reinforce a brand image through this online celebrity.

Since the rise of social networking has many brands that hire special endorser for social media. If any new marketer will do, the selection of the appropriate endorser needs to be done. In addition to sticking with the tools already exist, such as personal character, suitability to the brand, and others, there is an additional benchmark for choosing endorsers who will be used in social networking. Among other things, their influence on the community and the number of people who connect with prospective endorsers are in a social network.

To be successful in introducing or reinforcing the brand through social media, another step that needs to be done is to perform maintenance. Moreover, if the brand owner has an account specifically for their brand and followed by many people. The account manager must always be diligent to post and respond quickly and accurately every comment. Moreover, if it is negative comments. That way, consumers can feel the closeness, or rather because of the interaction is dynamic and warm. Through this interaction in social media, marketers can also accept input and find out the needs of consumers.

One key to success in managing the brand or the company's accounts is performed by the internal team. Thus, when there is negative news can be immediately responded and reversed into a positive outcome for the brand. That way, events like these at the beginning of writing will never happen.

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